Here's Why You Should At Least Try Pole Dancing

You clicked this article because at some point in your life you thought about it or your're thinking about it. Let's be honest you don't want to be called all the names socially associated with being a pole dancer. There's the group who'll call you a stripper, slut, and sometimes worse. The creepy guys that will slide in your DMs. Let's not forget the people who'll swear you're just doing this because you want attention.

So why even try right!? All the negatives! Plus look how hard it is, you'll never be able to pull those moves off. Keep reading I'll give you more than one reason to start

I started going to pole class 3 years ago. I just went out of curiosity and for an article. I had no athletic ability what so ever and as far as dancing went BYEEEEE. The first class I went to the women were all different but so welcoming. Everybody has a different level of capability and some had a gymnastics back ground. This should have been intimidating but somehow it wasn't! The instructor made it clear we'd all advance at different speeds and it was ok if you didn't have enough strength to do a basic spin because you's build it.

After the first class my arms were sore but I wanted to keep going. Here's why

It Builds Strength

Unless you've been weight lifting you probably don't have any upper body strength and even then that may not be enough. You will eventually be so strong you can flip your body into moves you never thought were possible. It may also encourage you to do some weight training outside of class because you're determined to stick a trick or a spin.

It Builds Confidence

There are tricks you will learn in beginner pole dancing you have to be confident to pull off. There's always a fear of falling and you will fall but when you finally exceed what you thought you were capable of you start to feel unstoppable. The women in the room are always rooting for you and giving you tips on how they were able to achieve the moves so you don't feel so bad if you aren't hella graceful every time.

Its Build Community

I look forward to going to class twice a week not to just learn but to interact with my "pole sisters". Honestly when you're half naked in a room being vulnerable and learning shit turns into a "YaYa Sisterhood" real quick! We talk like best friends during that hour and even if we don't interact outside of class we still have a special bond.

Overall we've been conditioned to think sensuality is bad and should never happen in spaces like a pole dance class unless you're trashy. There are people who explain pole away and say it's just for fitness. It is a great way to get fit lets be honest but it's also a chance to tap into your sexuality. That's not a dirty thing! I'm pushing myself to be less bashful when it comes to being sensual because honestly it does feel good. It only feels bad when people make it bad. Pole dancing gives me an outlet to mentally, physically and emotionally push for a rewarding moment that just feels dam good! If you're curious come to pole here's where I take classes Gemini Studioz. You wont regret it!

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