Horoscope Quickies June 10

Gemini- don't back down from in conversation with a intellectual heavy weight.

Cancer-career wise, it's time to stunt, consider this foot on neck season

Leo- Don't be afraid to ask for help, it doesn't make You weak.

Virgo- be careful in conversation, don't let your ego do the talking

Libra- today you'll ask a lot of questions and spend the rest if this month searching for their answers

Scorpio- You're ready to take risk, let Your bold side take the lead today

Sagittarius- want more meaningful conversations? Push your friends to think beyond the surface

Capricorn- You need some space from your friends and all you have to do is communicate that

Aquarius- conflict is about to lead You to a potential bae!

Pisces- You'll knock out you to do list with little to no effort today

Aries- sometimes manners have to take a back seat for clear communication

Taurus- get out of Your feelings and into Your impulses!

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