Horoscope Quickies June 17

Gemini- don't be suspicious, They are asking questions because They are curious not to do You harm

Cancer-Nothing is more important than the relationship you have with Yourself.

Leo- Your favorite introvert wants to be the center of attention today, let Them

Virgo- It's ok to feel all the feels

Libra- Lose control, get lost in your thoughts today

Scorpio- A vacay is still possible, get to planning and get creative

Sagittarius- Keep it cool with the career power plays until retrograde is over

Capricorn- Today is a perfect day to make your vision board

Aquarius- Careful starting any new businesses or partnerships during retrograde.

Pisces-Your work requires integrity, don't accept any offers to cut corners

Aries- a recent conflict will be solved today

Taurus- Intimacy isn't only for romantic partners, Your Friends could stand some today too

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