Horoscope Quickies June 29

Cancer- Listen to uncomfortable ideas. You don't have to adopt them just hear them.

Leo- Let go of Your demands and get with the energy of compromise

Virgo- If a obstacle interrupts Your schedule, learn from it.

Libra- Let People show You Who They are, don't take Their word for it.

Scorpio- Changes are coming that will change Your environment.

Sagittarius- Feed Your curiosity, go explore

Capricorn- Your budget needs a makeover, check those luxuries that could stand to go bye bye

Aquarius- Group environments give You energy plus show You where You shine!

Pisces- Your advice is not needed today so don't offer it

Aries- Ambition is great but don't let it take over Your life

Taurus- Someone's unwanted presence may make you uncomfortable but its temporary.

Gemini- Got free time? Do something mentally stimulating.

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