Horoscope Quickies for the Weekend Aug 7

The weekend is finally here! The Moon sits in Aries creating a heightened ambition in you. Be careful not to behave recklessly. By Sunday the Taurus Moon will restore balance to you logic. Meanwhile the influence of Venus settling into Cancer has you feeling smoother than a fat Luther ballad or brown liquor!

Leo- You're the life of the party, the brightest star in the sky and you feel it

Virgo- You are doing your best organizing right now. For the second day in a row I'll suggest side hustle!

Libra- It's about the whole picture. Don't get tunnel vision.

Scorpio- You naturally attract attention but you may want to keep a low profile this weekend

Sagittarius- No matter what You do right now You can't lose

Capricorn- Are you too dependent or too independent? Answer that honestly to repair unhealthy patterns

Aquarius- You like Your freedom. Don't be afraid to fight loud and proud for it.

Pisces- If Your friend has drama today let it be Their drama

Aries- With the Moon energy on Your side do something bold Your future self will thank you for

Taurus- Confidence is the key to any move. Arrogance is the key to destruction.

Gemini- You got big ideas that need to be big actions

Cancer- The Aries Moon will have You doing a thing You never do, be spontaneous!

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