Horoscope Quickies August 19 Leo Sun/Virgo Moon/ Virgo Mercury

As a collective we are all feeling super confident, maybe too confident. Mercury and the Moon are currently in Virgo, the perfectionist sign. While the Leo Sun may encourage us to be eccentric in pushing boundaries, the Mercury/Moon in Virgo combination is asking us to plan spontaneity. We no longer feel there's a safety net.

Leo- egos could clash when you spend too much time with opinionated people

Virgo- You're good with tact, use it to offer constructive criticism

Libra- You like the extra responsibility today gifted you

Scorpio- a financially healthy resource is being added to your family

Sagittarius- reconnection is your focus today

Capricorn- Plan but keep it flexible

Aquarius- enjoy the high vibrations of people who are around you today

Pisces- Your day dreams are chaotic but they are creative

Aries- Your group work skills could use some help,you'll get practice soon

Taurus- Do you detect manipulation? Pay closer attention

Gemini- Stand firm in your ideas

Cancer- You understand the function of money but you really value love, joy, and respect

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