Horoscope Quickies September 9 Sun in Virgo/Mars Retrograde in Aries

Mars the planet if action energy and motivation! Currently it is stationed in Aries and retrograde. Life is about to speed up and you'll notice you and everyone around you impulsive and impatient but courageous none the less. Retrograde is all about growth and we all know when we see the not so pretty parts of our personality we get uncomfortable but that glow up is worth it!

Virgo- Self-sufficient is the current mood. Don't borrow money, be like Sisqo and don't make a promise you can't keep, and learn how to be vulnerable with boundaries of course

Libra- Past arguments may be revisited. Practice self control!

Scorpio- You can huff and puff but you will not be blowing any houses down. You are about to learn how you can conquer by being still

Sagittarius- You just aren't motivated and this my darling is where you practice discipline. This is when you truly learn what work brings you joy

Capricorn-If you are carrying baggage from your childhood ground yourself because it's about to come up. This time you slow down and unpack it so you can heal it

Aquarius- You had some really great ideas and here comes Mars retrograde slowing your productivity. Who are you when you can't check something off the to-do list

Pisces- Mind your money. Be extra cautious spend and just as cautious making new deals for cash flow.

Aries- Mars is your ruling planet and in your sign retrograde so you're getting a double dose of glow up. Examine your patients heavily.

Taurus- physically you feel tired, spiritually your intuition is off. Your Subconscious is working over time for you next level remember that when you're worked up

Gemini- be patient with your friends especially the ones you've had it out with before

Cancer-You don't feel super motivated career wise. It's ok to nourish what you've done and when you're ready get back to the hustle

Leo- You have been on a serious self growth journey and now you don't really feel like reading that daily devotional, journaling, whatever. Find a new avenue of growth that fits you during this time.

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