Horoscope Quickies September 30 Libra Sun/Moon Void of Course

Tomorrow night there's a Full Moon in Aries. For now the moon is not following it's common path and that is creating some chaos. Practice patients and mind your emotions.

Libra- be patient with progress. It may not be happening fast but it's very much happening

Scorpio- You want to be successful but do you know what you want to be successful in

Sagittarius- The more you seek the beauty of the world the happier you'll

Capricorn- You're ready to make big life changes but the way to make them stick is to do it slowly

Aquarius- You can plan for tomorrow but don't get so caught up in those plans you don't live for today

Pisces- One of your long lost friends wants to hear from you so hit them up, it'll be rewarding.

Aries- Do your thing but keep your family and friends in the loop

Taurus- stay home more often. Outside influences have distracted you from yourself.

Gemini- if you're happy fro your friend and their new relationship communicate that

Cancer- If you have any downtime go back and check your work

Leo- clearing the clutter out of your life will clear it out of your brain

Virgo- You will be asked for help today, do it because you want not because you have to

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