Horoscope Quickies December 10

We're all walking around super confident on the outside but on the inside self doubt is kicking our ass!

Sagittarius- communication isn't just verbal, try some new forms today

Capricorn-someone in your inner circle needs a reality check, give it to them gracefully

Aquarius-Good energy continues for you today. Enjoy it!

Pisces-you're dreams may be a bit scary right now. Don't ignore them but don't assume the worst

Aries-even if you haven't achieved your goals still be proud of yourself for doing.

Taurus-if it's rest you crave then it's rest you should take

Gemini-not everybody is going to like you. You know this but you have yet to understand it

Cancer-money been funny lately but that's all about to change for the better

Leo- defending your position is always the right thing to do

Virgo- you need a new system for organizing your life, time to research

Libra-if it doesn't feel right, decline the social invite

Scorpio-tackle the problems on the Homefront with active communication.

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