Horoscopes Quickies January 11 Sun in Capricorn

The messenger Mercury and the glow up planet Jupiter conjunct today. Everything may look larger than life today. If you'd liker a full 2021 astro run down check out this weeks Astrology & Chill on iHeart and Spotify

Capricorn- this is a major transformation week for you. You're getting rid of old ideas but don't forget to give yourself grace

Aquarius- it's time to step into your true identity. Just because it's what your parents did doesn't mean you have to

Pisces- this week you are vocal about things you've kept to yourself for too long

Aries- Your career is your focus this week. Don't let the appearance of limited resources discourage you.

Taurus- your plans don't stand a chance against the plans of the universe this week. Have faith and embrace flexibility

Gemini- this week may be bitter sweet. A mix of heavy emotions that lead to revelations

Cancer- disagreements with your loved ones may feel like too much. Make peace with relationship transitions.

Leo- you're revamping your routine to serve your goals but someone telling you who you are may throw you for a loop. It's part of the glow up this week so listen

Virgo- your beliefs and facts will conflict this week. Be open to change

Libra- you want comfort and security and there's an unexpected person ready to offer it. Pay attention to their intentions.

Scorpio- you've bit your tonguage too long. Speak up but watch what you say.

Sagittarius- you may feel your routine shaken up this week. This will lead to the enlightening you need

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