Horoscopes Quickies January 12 Sun in Capricorn New Moon in Capricorn

During a New Moon you plant intentions for the month to come. Tonight's New Moon squares with the transformation planet Pluto. Get ready to make some big changes. If you'd liker a full 2021 astro run down check out this weeks Astrology & Chill on iHeart and Spotify

Capricorn- this is your time to shine. Don't be afraid, be the person you always imagined

Aquarius- embracing new philosophies can be overwhelming. Give yourself time

Pisces- you've daydreamed long enough. Update your resume and get the career of your dreams

Aries- work changes are leaving you uncertain of your future. Everything is falling into place so rest easy

Taurus- the change you crave is a change of scenery. A staycation may scratch that itch

Gemini- normally you just go with the flow. It's time to get assertive

Cancer- you're giving too much energy to people who can't reciprocate. It's time to stop that

Leo- you're not going to confront them and honestly you shouldn't. It's time to let the situation go

Virgo- you are not known for giving away your power so before you fall victim to opinions remember who you are?

Libra- things that use to make you feel safe just don't work anymore. The glow up is inevitable

Scorpio- you've put in work to tame your jealousy and now you get to flex that new muscle.

Sagittarius- you've been very disrespectful to your budget, blowing through money fast. Change that before it's too late

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