Horoscope Quickies Feb 18 Last Day of Sun in Aquarius/Mercury Retrograde

Today the Sun begins it's transition into the healing season of Pisces. For now it's still very much Aquarius season! Find my podcast Astrology and Chill on iHeart also on Spotify .

Aquarius- You don't have to belittle others to make your point. Facts are facts

Pisces- why are you fighting for this, not to say you shouldn't be but the reason you're fighting should determine if you keep going

Aries- your commitments are threating to overwhelm you. Time to scale back

Taurus- there's no need to lower your expectations. Go get what you want

Gemini- you don't have to get it right today. You are still doing amazing!

Cancer- you'll be taken aback by someone's considerate actions. Don't forget to show gratitude.

Leo- don't be paranoid, no one is discussing you behind your back.

Virgo- it's all about to hit the fan but you knew it would happen.

Libra- you may have hit a wall but don't stop moving. Get a ladder

Scorpio- to get what you want give a little to get a little

Sagittarius- you've worked yourself up into a bad mood. Take a deep breath

Capricorn- being eccentric is cool but consider your audience

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