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The Newest Social Media Movement #MeToo

Cosmopolitan surveyed 2,235 full-time and part-time female employees and found that one in three women has experienced sexual harassment at work at some point their lives.

1 in 3!!!! That's way too often for comfort. It's no wonder women have taken to social media with the simple rally cry #metoo. It started with the Harvey Weinstein controversy and probably the fact most of us are sick and tired of the bs.  

The American Association of University Women defines workplace sexual harassment as any, “unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature.”

Want to know the most dishearting part in my opinion? The number of women that don't feel comfortable reporting the offender. I remember being in a management position when a sexual harassment incident occurred. By the time I got the word, several female employees had experienced harassment at the hand of the same offender but only one woman was willing to report it.

Part of the reasoning I got was, I didn't think you'd believe me or I didn't want to get him in trouble. There will never be a moment in your life where it will be ok for someone to do you harm whether emotionally, physically, or verbally and you turn the other cheek. 

I say that and remember how easily we crucify people who accuse our favorites of inappropriate behavior. Look at the Cosby trial, Nelly's current situation, countless athletes. We hear the accusation and rightfully assume these women are looking for a come up not some justice for an injustice. 

Truth is there's a very small amount of "false rape" accusations.

 A “false” rape allegation is provably false – meaning, for example, that the accused has a bulletproof alibi or the accuser eventually recants. In many of the cases examined by the authors of the study, there was simply not enough evidence to bring charges. A rape might have occurred, but it might not have. Such cases are not classified as false.

So I'll join the ranks of women hashtagging ME TOO. Not just because I had to be the authority figure that protected but because I've personally experienced it and I refused to quietly let it be.  

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