

I’m the cousin you love at family gathering, you know the favorite! What’s up I’m Arielle, have you heard my podcast Astrology and Chill, it’s on the...Full Bio


You Can Taste Food Simply By Putting it on Your Body?

The internet is known for some crazy trends. I mean the whole Tide Pod Challenge. There are clear warning labels but if it gets you viral eat up right *sarcasm*. Well the newest trend may not be as dangerous but possibly equally dumb.

Trending now on Tik Tok are people putting food on different body parts to see if they can taste them. All claim they can but is it legit!? Honestly, it's possible.

You body has taste but receptors everywhere not just your mouth. Doctors are weighing in saying while you may have taste buds here, there, and everywhere, that doen't mean they are functioning. Can you imagine taste buds on your feet and having to taste your shoe all day. So to the guy who put Soy Sauce on his lower boy parts and claims he can taste it, it's not far fetched but probably is.

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