America is tired. Black America is past tired! This weekend several protest took place across the country and right here in Pensacola and Mobile. We all have the common goal of sparking change. While some of us didn't approach it the same way we all echoed the same sentiment, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! October 2019 I spoke with Mobile Police Chief Officer Lawrence Battiste, who is not only a officer but a Black Man. He answered several of my questions about so many of the conversations that we are having to this day.
My biggest concern as a mother of a Black Son was how do I talk to him about what the police do. I get "not all of them are bad" that doesn't mean he gets to let down his guard. I did not walk away satisfied with the answer he gave but like you I will continue to ask and challenge! You can watch the interview below.
More recently Mary Booth of Mix 99 asked would I mind sharing my experience and having a open conversation. We talked about different avenues of activism and my experience in yesterdays protest and being Black in America.
There are tons of photos from this weekends protest. Feel free to check them out!