Big Daddy

Big Daddy

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Dumb Dummy Of The Week - Robbery On His Resume

Listen… Either you’re gonna apply for the job or rob… But don’t do both! Or how about this, JUST DON’T ROB AT ALL PERIOD!

Because if you do, you might end up in this segment! Like Ol’ Nicholas Mark from Pennsylvania…Ol' Nicky boy went to a pizza shop and applied for a job in hopes of getting hired for the open position.

After he applied he left, but returned a few hours later to do a job! No not do THE JOB with another task in mind -- robbing the joint. According to a police report, the 22-year-old brandished a knife and grabbed the dough before running into the woods.

The employee on duty recognized Mark from his earlier visit, but the bungling burglar made another mistake -- he left a backpack at the scene containing items with his name, address and a variety of drug paraphernalia. The job application included the same name and phone number.

The cops tracked down Nicholas and arrested him for robbery, theft, assault, possession of drug paraphernalia, and more.

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