Anti- Road Rage Law Set To Go in Effect Sept 1

Starting in September if you’re caught driving in the left lane on the interstate for more than a mile and a half without passing other cars you could be breaking the law. Right now you’ve probably seen signs telling drivers to, “Keep right except to pass” displayed across the interstates. 

“One of the things that we do with our messing boards that you see on the interstates is to communicate public service announcements that are important to drivers,” said Allison Green. 

Allison Green the Drive Safe Alabama coordinator with ALDOT says, one of those important messages is about a new law looking to curb road rage. 

“So to get ahead of that is to encourage people to start practicing safe driving habits like, driving on the right and only passing on the left,” said Green. 

The law states that a driver cannot go more than a mile and a half on the left lane of an interstate without passing other cars.

“The worst thing about it is when somebody is passing another person and you could go on and get past the second or third person ahead, that’s not a place for road rage, but it probably will happen,” said Hamel Martin. 

Martin says the number one cause of road rage is people being in a hurry. 

“You’re going to have to have an official be there to check it, as far as it being ticketed maybe people will go around,” said Martin. 

Before the law takes effect there will be a 60 day warning period before citations begin.

The Anti-Road Rage Law goes into effect September 1. 

Source: WKRG

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